Buy Replica Prada Bags Online | Replica Celine Bags
When replica prada bags stick with what they do best – designing en creating tote bags, magical starts to happen. And by the way, we will never forget the beauty of the Saffiano Lux Tote Bag.
So which bags are recently trending at Prada boutiques? The Prada Galleria Tote Bag, Prada Small Double Tote Bag, Prada Bibliotheque Bag – in short, all tote bags.
Now, a new bag has arrived, and we’re here to introduce to you (with a lot of excitement), the Replica Celine Bags

It has a distinctive style – the upper part is refined with horizontal stitching and between the end of the handles, you will find the lovely reversed pyramid ‘Prada’ logo.
The bag is made with double leather handle, but what’s the most attractive about this bag, is the bi-color luggage tag. Especially the white version with blue luggage tag, the color just stands out, even more than the golden hardware. And oh yes, it also comes with a bi-color shoulder strap with pyramid pattern.
Outside you will two pockets with zipper closure for your convenience. The interior features three compartments – two inside pockets including one with zipper closure. So there is plenty of space to structure your essentials.
As an additional comfort, there are snap closures on the sides. Crafted from saffiano and calf leather, style code 1BA102, measuring 12.2’ x 9.2’ x 5.9’ (L x H x W) inches, priced at $2710 USD, €2200 euro, £1850 GBP, $3350 CAD via Prada boutiques.